Dear Carrot, I'm sorry I forgot you in the cold
How to build a raised bed? How many carrots grow from a carrot seed? Dear Carrot, how do you feel?
We are creating an Urban Garden in Skeljanes to find answers to those questions and to prepare a personalised dinner where the vegetable is given back its personality and treated with respect and honour: Dear Carrot, I'm sorry I forgot you in the cold.
4th september at 19:00-23:00 in tóma rýmið in Skeljanes.
Performance is in english.
About the artists:
Jakub Ziemann is a chef and loves to cook dinners for others. He has experience with using sustainable, local produce and exploring new dinner experiences. He is educated in biomedical engineering and is interested in combining his knowledge into time traveling beetroots.
Yelena Arakelow is a contemporary dancer and choreographer based in Reykjavik. She is into experimental performance art and is part of the tóma rýmið collective. As an amateur gardening enthusiast she loves to dance with Icelandic kale.